Er. Tinkori Patra Member, Indian Society of Engineers, Kolkata, India, IEI, IOS (New Delhi), IOV (Delhi), The Indian Science Congress Association (Kolkata). Retired Teacher, Superintendent Technical, of Civil Engineering, Bengal Engineering College Shibpur, Howrah, W.B. 711101.
He did his B.Sc from CU, Kolkata, L.C.E. from WBSCET Govt. of W.B., Grad-IS from Institution of Surveyor (New Delhi), B.Tech (Civil Eng.) RVDU and from WBUT, W.B. He did M.Sc (Real Estate Valuation) from AU (2013), Chennai, M.Sc. (Environmental Sci.) from TGOU, Nagaland(2011). He has successfully done GPS Surveying course from IIT Roorkee, Uttrakhand (2002), GPS and total station combined survey from JNTU Hyderabad (2008), Foundation Engineering and Water resource engineering conducted by IIT Kharagpur (NPTEL) W.B.(2019).
Other than this he has a very creative and observing mind. His first poetry book – Kichu Katha is published from Allied publishers in the year 2024.